Many parents can agree that safety is the top priority when choosing a daycare for their little ones. While most daycare owners do everything they can to promise the safety of your children, others go above and beyond by installing CCTV systems and other software that allows parents to be able to watch their kids in real time.
Daycares with cameras might be a selling point for some, but for other parents and even teachers, this feels like a breach of privacy. There are both pros and cons to providing child care with the addition of some sort of surveillance that should be considered by parents and child care providers
One of the main reasons to consider daycares with cameras is always having that peace of mind. It helps parents knowing their child can be quickly viewed to make sure they are doing well. If a child gets hurt or if an incident happens, surveillance video can help owners and parents identify what happened without much questioning.
In addition to this, it serves as a reminder to care providers that they are always being watched. As much as we want to believe that everyone at a daycare facility has the safety in mind for our children, that isn’t always the case, unfortunately. Cameras serve as a constant reminder to teachers to be on their best behavior when in the classroom.
Surveillance video also allows monitoring for outside traffic around the daycare building. This can prevent intruders from coming in, burglary, and other crimes from happening outside the daycare. This is a safety measure that not only parents will look to as more appealing, but even to business owners who are looking after the safety of their staff, vehicles, and business.
Like any security system, having video surveillance invites hackers to try and gain access to the daycare’s system. Many daycares who choose to have cameras take preventative measures to make sure this doesn’t happen, but hackers are trying harder and getting smarter, so there isn’t a surefire prevention method for this.
Many parents and teachers are concerned about the kid’s privacy, as well as their own. There are several laws that are not taken lightly when it comes to the placement of cameras. There are several daycare camera laws to ensure the privacy of children and students where it is necessary. They are only to be installed in common areas to prevent cameras from being installed in bathrooms and changing spaces.
Some teachers are also concerned with how the atmosphere of the classroom will change when adding cameras. Knowing they are being watched can cause children and teachers to have anxiety knowing every move they make is being monitored, which can cause tension and therefore not an ideal classroom to teach and be taught in. This domino effect might make parents rethink if they want cameras installed at the daycare because they want their child to be in an optimal learning atmosphere.
Is A Daycare With Cameras Right For You?
Of course, it is up to the parent’s preferences when choosing a daycare with cameras. While it might not be necessary for some, it could be the ultimate deciding factor for others. As long as safety is the top priority for the daycare owners and staff, as well as parents, then finding the best option for you and your child should be relatively easy. Foremost, it is just as important to find the right balance between safety and privacy when choosing a daycare with cameras.